Sustainable Organisations of the Sutherland Shire 'SO Shire' is a community driven network of individuals, businesses and organisations all working together for a sustainable Shire.
To fuse together the local economy with the protection of the ocean and environment.
Our mission aims to protect and enhance the natural environment by educating the public, mobilising volunteers, advising and promoting environmentally sustainable businesses within the Sutherland Shire.
The Shire is lucky enough to be surrounded by some of the most beautiful rivers, bays, wetlands, beaches and The Royal National Park.
All of which need protecting from plastic pollution.
Building a sustainable community that doesn't cost the Earth
So Shire collaborates with Project Youth

@so_shire is honoured to collaborate with Project Youth , the organisation helps our young people deal with and get through difficult situations through early intervention programs, offers housing support, education and training as well as employment placement opportunities for young people aged between 12-24. Last year they helped 7267 young people to be connected, safe , achieving and healthy.
@shirepod #beantherepodcast we recorded live in July at @cafeyinc
Cafe Y and Label Y offer opportunities for young people to be supported in times of crisis, family violence, mental health or homelessness. This episode was dedicated to our future generations.
Karen, Training Education and Employment Manager, joins us at 24 minutes sharing the success and challenges of Cafe Y and Label Y and how you can support the Project Youth Initiatives. During this conversation we also talk to Justin, a youth worker and hear Natasha's story. Tash is a client of Project Youth who has gone on to carve out a hospitality career because of the commitment of Project Youth following displacement from her home at the age of 16.
After Sarah-Jo from #soshire and #PlasticFreeSutherlandShire chatted about the @greencaffeen cup swap system for cafes and the Project Y sustainable garden training program taking shape that will supply the cafe (and other ideas for recycling and sustainability, Plastic Free July) Tash showed us her skills in multiple #contactless pours !
See our socials for podcast highlights and contactless pour skills three different types of reusable cups !

SO SHIRE was nominated in tthis years NSW VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2020 - SOUTHERN SYDNEY thanks to The Centre for Volunteering
(more information on this ceremony see Volunteering.com.au)
If you would like to join us in cleaning up our beaches, and assist in any way including collecting data for local source reduction solutions please Follow SO SHIRE and Plastic Free Sutherland Shire on the socials, DM us or join our Facebook group called SUTHERLAND SHIRE TANGAROA BLUE VOLUNTEERS
Mayor Cr Carmelo Pesce highlighted that in the Sutherland Shire Council area we are above the average in local volunteering activity with 34,000 residents participating in some sort of volunteer activity - that's 19.2%